And It Was Called Yellow

Not sure about you guys, but these past few days of rain have had me feeling all doom and gloom. Pregnancy hormones and the emotion-evoking album that’s lived on repeat for 3 days have done little to better my condition. Yesterday, in the midst of the rain, I saw sunlight peek through my living room window for a brief 7 seconds. I nearly broke the blinds trying my best to let it fill as much of the room as possible during its short visit. Still no sign of Mr. Sun since then, but if you’re jonesing for him the way I am, maybe a quick dose of yellow will do you some good. Dear Mr. Sun, my boys and the park and my lackluster skin miss you sorely. I promise to never ever complain about your burning rays and funk-inducing powers again. Just please come back.

yellow board
1. source, 2. source, 3. source unknown, 4. source

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